Technical translation. When language is just one of the important elements!
Whatever technical area you work in, texts that need to be translated are bound to come up now and then. Since the early 1970s, we at AAR Translator have been helping our clients translate everything from technical manuals, technical instructions and websites to product descriptions, operating instructions and regulations of various types.
If you operate in a very narrow niche, we may not have a translator who is a specialist in that particular field, but we will have someone with a solid background and experience in a closely related area. We are eager to know who your target audience is, where they are, and the context in which the text will be used, so that the translation will have the right tone, style and address.
And, since there are many ways to express the same thing, we are delighted to receive reference materials (such as previous translations or glossaries) containing the terms you and your colleagues prefer.
We work with translation tools (CAT), which means we reuse the translations we have already done for your company. Not only does this ensure consistent terminology, it saves time and money. Technical translation, of manuals and instructions, for example, is the area where the greatest gains from working with translation memories can be made. Our goal is to make your life easier – by delivering technical translations of the highest quality at the appointed time.